Of freewill, naps, and robots (in disguise)…..

I have to admit he is highly motivated, although I am sure you would not have guessed it by looking at his picture taken only moments ago. You see, his mom is landing at the airport tonight at around 10:40 pm and he was quite put off, angry in fact, that I told him he would not be going.  He would be staying home with his brother and going to bed.  Tomorrow, after all, is a school day.

But Ben is a thinker and a kid who would totally throw anyone under the bus to see his mom…..including me.  He HATES naps, but he offered to take one after dinner so he would be well-rested enough to not only head to the airport, but to be up and awake for school tomorrow as well.  It was not my first choice by any means, but he is a complainer about such things and relentless.  My belief (acquired from prior experience with him) is that he would stay here whining and crying about how unfair I was to his brother, making it impossible for Scott…..AND he would make sure he stayed up to see her anyway…..to TATTLE ON ME for how mean I am.  Not that I am mean, but my belief (acquired from prior experience with him) is that his mom would see him as a victim, and I would not only be overly tired and grouchy from dealing with him, but in trouble in some way (also acquired from prior experience with him).

So he will be getting up in a minute and I will be taking him for an hour drive to the airport during which he will talk non-stop (generally about Transformers).  He will then get his mom at the airport and the lovefest will begin.  We will get in the car and he will talk for yet another hour (generally repeating the very same Transformers stories we heard on the way TO the airport).

Of course I cannot complain.  I entered into this life of my own freewill!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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