And then there was one…….

Yep, just one contractor left, and it is me.  The floor guys left this evening and all that remains now is to frame in and finish the bathroom in the basement……a job I (with the help of Steph, Ben, and maybe Scott) will do myself.  Of course time is of the essence, as I have surgery scheduled on Thursday in the early afternoon.  But in all honesty, I think we can make the deadline.  I have just two more walls to frame, a door to put in, wiring and drywall…….no worries, no worries at all.

The cool part is that it is beginning to look and feel like our house again, and for that, I am thankful.  So many things have been piled on top of each other to make room for all the work.  But by next week, we should have use of all the areas again, and in all honesty I am ready.  It has been too long, and I am longing for the peace.  It will make Easter all the better I tell you.

So other than this, there is no big news.   Just two more days with an unfinished bathroom, and two more days with a non working eye.  Either way, it is a win!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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