My daughter rocks…….

The picture is of the work that we did this afternoon, and no, it was not our first rodeo.  But my daughter Stephanie and I put up three walls and a door frame for our downstairs bathroom we are putting in, and had I had more energy (and better joints) we probably would have done more.

But although she just vaguely remembers our last project, she is great at helping out.  And today she helped, not just because she is home on break, but because she complains about having to run upstairs to use the bathroom.  College kids hate to suffer, and she knows that she is just a couple of months away summer break.  She and her friends by that time should have a stair-less summer.

But as for me, I am really suffering.  I am in a lot of pain from all the work and my “good knee” is very swollen.  And since I am having surgery on Thursday I cannot take a thing.  Oh joy oh joy.  But I cannot complain.  I have the bathroom well on its way and good help to boot.  I am willing to call it a pretty darn good day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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