Sometimes i just do not know………but yet I do…..

You know there are times I like to feel a sense of surety, because I believe that often with surety comes security.  Feeling insecure in life, really about anything, can really cause problems.  It can raise fear and falsely justify feelings that arise from these same insecurities.

I like to believe that I am a confident guy, that I have everything I want to have under my control, but in reality, rarely in life do we enjoy the real fruits of such delusion. In truth, life is full of uncertainty.  It is riddled with unanswered questions.  Our pasts raise fear and our futures raise anxiety.

Yet in the midst of this reality, I find that I can let go of anxiety and fear, not because they are not there, but because of both who and whose I am.  God does not promise the absence of struggle, but instead the comfort of His presence.

I spend most days not knowing what outcome I am heading towards, but do know that I need not fear the past or be anxious about tomorrow.  I will be taken care of today, to the extent that I have faith, and trust, in a God who loves me and calls me to be His own.



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