Eye did it……..

My post tonight is not going to be long, as I am supposed to be recuperating at home.  My surgery went well and am not too terribly uncomfortable.  I have to put on my BIPAP mask soon and sleep on my back, which is not going to be easy, but I really do not have any choice.

The picture is of Ben just a little after I got home.  I made sure I gave him my eye to keep, which he is posing with and he laughs when he pokes it and I say “ouch.”  Actually my WHOLE immediate family was convinced they were taking my out to do this, which was not the case at all.  But at least it was fun having them think so.

So keep me in your prayers.  I have a meeting tomorrow here at the house and am scheduled to celebrate at two places and to deliver the sermon at one this Sunday (Palm Sunday).  I intend to make it.   I do however want to share with you how much I appreciated your prayers for today.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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