Generally, we are all the same through time…….

Yes, this is my youngest son in the featured image.  Ben is 10, and although he is not the youngest Tirman, not only from my dad’s line, he is the youngest we will post pictures of.  Scotty and Kenzie have a son Issac who just turned 1, and the next young man is due within the next month, but there is a lot of similarities in Tirman males.

Mike and Ben

I signed onto Facebook tonight as I was tired of not posting due to the illness making its way through our house and saw a picture of Ben that I was sure was my brother Mike.  Here however is a picture of Mike and Ben, they do not look alike at all (currently)  Ben is under 5 feet and Mike is above 6.  I would like to say I am taller than the both, but “we are men of honor, and lying does not become us.”  Yes, that is from a movie.

Scotty and Ben

But Ben and Scotty also look alike, and it confuses even the technology that identifies faces in pictures,  and if we go to young pictures, most of us all look the same.  We are a similar lot, but more than that, we also seem to marry exceptional women who help keep this insanity of reproducing these amazing your men, except for my dad, who I believe is close to 130 and pictures of him which DO show the similarities are found mostly painted on the sides of caves, and as I have confessed, most of mine are in black and white.  The point I need to make is that Tirman genetics seems to produce a certain type of male.  They are handsome and successful, and their senses of humor are constantly growing on steroids.  The Lord only knows where that will take us.

But to this point, we are enjoying the ride.  I am proud to be close to all of them.  We are like a fraternity we never asked to join nor should be allowed to join.  Yet we also have a sweet deal in that you cannot kick out family.

And be forewarned……we continue to breed.  Whether that is good or bad we have all agreed to let history decide.



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