The REAL Jesus….not an illusion…..

Well as I wrote yesterday, I was in Akron, Ohio for an ordination and a Chrism Mass.  AND, since we were right by a Berean, and since it was so close to Easter, I thought I would stop in and see if I could buy a clergy shirt to wear on Easter.  Sure enough they had one, but what I discovered is the topic of tonight’s blog.

The picture tonight is supposed to be of JESUS, and it was displayed prominently on a table just as you came in, (along with $70.00 REAL crowns of thorns for those who wish to inflict personal pain during Holy Week).  I however, could not stop laughing because I thought it was David Copperfield.   AND, I made sure I took a picture of it for my blog.  (I think it is my reflection that makes it look like his is getting his hair cut).  Father PT and I was laughing too, and we were both in our clerical collars.  And I couldn’t help but think that we were upsetting some of the staff, but in truth, how were we to know they were big fans of David Copperfield.

You know, I am a big fan of inspirational stuff, and was in no way trying to be irreverent.  BUT, I do believe that if you are going to sell pictures of the Lord you might want to look for someone who looks a lot less like David Copperfield.  It is just a distraction….really.

On a more positive note, tomorrow is Maundy Thursday and I will have the blessing of delivering the sermon tomorrow night at six at St. Patrick’s in Noblesville.   (It will be a pretty straightforward sermon about our mandate to serve, and no, I will not make anything disappear).  I will then be in Nashville for Good Friday, and split between three different services on Sunday.

It is however, HOLY WEEK, and we priests tend to be doing a lot during these times.  I however would not want it any other way.  I love what I do, and I am blessed to be able to do it.   Jesus is calling you to join me at Church over these next few days and I hope you do!  And I mean the REAL Jesus!    The seats are free……and nothing you will take part in will be an illusion.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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