STOOPID Apple, and other things I now like……..

We have been remodeling the main room in our basement, and it has not been a journey among the bunnies and the flowers.  Plaster, plaster, plaster.  Dust, dust, dust.  Insanity, insanity, insanity.

So imagine my joy to receive a few pictures on my phone from my grandson Issac.  I am not sure how he manages to take these, but they sure do lift my spirits.  Of course it blesses me deeply to see him wearing a “World Champion Chicago Cubs” outfit.  Lord knows, I had to wait 55 years to wear one, where his were waiting for him before he was born.  I am happy for him.  He will start his baseball life out happy, and from there who knows?  My hope and prayer for him is that he can wear these and celebrate all through his lifetime.

But I am not too good with editing and all, so I am glad you can see it is his Cubs’ jersey, but I wish you could see his face.  I will try posting it, along with two others within this text, so hopefully you can.  It has been a month since I have held him, which to me feels about 30 days too long.  I just hope these pictures do the same things they do for me on my computer which is a MacBook Pro.

I do remember complaining about how pictures always move when I take them now.  It is like those creepy Harry Potter paintings on the stairs of that creepy house they all live in (yes, I am not a fan).  But I click on a picture after I take it and it moves.  What happened to just taking a picture?  It was a major “first order” issue to me, as what is the point of having a million dollar phone with a camera, if it cannot just take a picture??  Really?  What is the purpose?

And I get it now………..being a grandparent.  His pictures move, and I see him, and I hear him.  I just cannot hold him, although I want to.  I am amazed at how very handsome he is and how much he has grown.  If they would just put him on a webcam, I would never have to leave the house.

So thanks Apple, for messing up your phones in a way I can live with. I apologize for all the things I said about you, which you probably heard from Siri.  And although I am an ardent critic of technology’s interference with the healthy life of human beings just dealing with each other, here I find some joy and peace.

Blessings to you this day my friends.  Let me know how the cutest grand baby in the world made your day today…….just like he makes mine.


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