The Stretch…….

I am an ice hockey player by experience, so my illustrations sometimes may be a bit off….but with today being Maundy Thursday, I think it means we are now in the “stretch” in terms of Holy Week.  I am not too sure if I have the right rems, but I know from this point on it is pretty much a dash to the end….with meaning of course.

But tonight Father PT and I had the opportunity to see Father Robert celebrate his very first Maundy Thursday service.  I did the sermon click here to get our sermons and Father Robert did everything else.  It was pretty great to be a part!  And for me in particular, it was a great way to start these very important days.  It was a real blessing to see a new priest doing such an important service!

But now I am home and my thoughts have shifted to Good Friday……tomorrow.  I will celebrate it tomorrow in Nashville, but we will be offering services everywhere.  It is one of the most solemn and important days of the Church Year, and my hope and prayer is that you get to church wherever you are.

Now however, I must call it a day.  Working through these days can be a distraction, and I will need my rest to fully engage.  My prayers however are with you Dear Reader.

Blessings to you as we continue to journey toward Easter.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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