Good Friday……

Yes, I know.  I should really post my Good Friday blog post at the beginning of the day rather than at the end, but I generally do this each day at the same time with very little exception, so at the end it is.

Although we had services everywhere, I attended the one we had in Nashville.  We were short on cassocks, and I really just wanted to be a part, so I told Father Dan I would just be a participant, rather than help to lead the service.  It was the Stations of the Cross, and he did a marvelous job, and I enjoyed just responding rather than leading, as it was a great opportunity for me to reflect.  It was a blessing to me for certain.

Good Friday is important to me as I am a firm believer that in celebrating it, although the imagery of the Crucifixion (particularly since it takes place for each of us) is often difficult, it makes the celebration of Easter far more meaningful.

Yes, Jesus died this day on that Cross for both you and me.  He thought of us both there.

Contemplate this day His Sacrifice for you, and allow it to transform your experience of Easter this Sunday in Church!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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