Of Aunts and Daugthers……

I have patiently waited to post this post, for on the night that I called my sister Stephanie to explain that we had named my daughter Stephanie after her, she was honored but bitched and moaned that is was because she was in another hospital at the time and was dying from cancer.  In my politest bother voice, I told her to get over herself and get it together!  She did indeed die from cancer, but the picture shows the both Stephs when baby Steph was about 10.  My sister was wrong.  She had ten solid years to spoil and influenced her namesake, and she did.

The beauty is that now that Issac is born that “baby Steph” is the Aunt on record, and she has a lot to do.  Her Aunt Stephanie did not get everything in that she would have before she died, and this means my daughter has plenty to add to her bag-o-tricks to make the spoiling complete.  Not to worry, she has already informed me that she is already committed to be the best Aunt ever, and since she is named for the queen of all Aunts, I am not doubtful at all that she will have tremendous success.

As the grandpa I only receive a few pictures, far less than I deserve by the way,  but I have included then (okay it) here.  But I will rectify this in time. Aunts, uncles, parents and such will pass meekly in comparison to how I will deal with the boy.  I am even thinking about approaching Kenzie’s dad Randy to form some sort of grandpa’s alliance, or private fraternity. We can work it out and may even be able to buy an apartment or home for grandfathers within blocks of our little Bambino.  We will see, but we will probably outshine the others for sure

Anyway. we will get on it. as he is just over there weeks old, we need to make our moves soon!



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