My new struggle bus……….

Sure, it probably seems like a bit of whining to complain about the car I am now driving, and really it is nice and all, but for those who have known me a long while you know that I am more of a truck guy.  A few weeks back, we traded in a minivan, that neither one of us like or drove all that much, and to make sure we sent it to the outmost reaches of beyond, we used my truck, which was completely paid off, to sweeten the whole transaction.  It was hard for me to do, and it does not help me that every time we pop into the car Ben says, “Dad, you really miss your truck, don’t you?”

And I do.  most people will tell you that you that when you have a truck, you always have friends, because people always want to borrow it.  And although that may or may not may be true, what I know is true is that now that I have not had my truck a couple of weeks I realize that I do not have any friends with trucks.  And I also have realized that I have needed a truck on a variety of occasions these past two weeks, and more than that, a full-sized German Shepherd looks absolutely ridiculous in a car she is twice the size of.  She is far less threat when she is going to have get out and stretch before jumping on any bad guys.

In addition to these clearly first order issues in life, I am pretty much sitting right on the road, which to me is a total lifestyle change.  Cars are low to the ground.  Sure I can now tell you the temperature with amazing accuracy, rather than saying “hey, it’s cold,” or “it’s kinda hot.” But to tell the temperature, it actually requires me to get into the car, whereas I was able to share the weather from even outside my truck.
What I can say however is that all my children are very proud of me as I have finally started driving, like many old people do, a car with a radio I do not understand.  Now if it were a Buick, which as I understand I was just 6 months too young to qualify to drive, there would be some hope for me, but alas, I believe there to be none.  I am sure when the kids drive it they will use more features, but for now it gets turned off and turned on.

Where I struggle is wondering whether or not I am still welcome at Menards.  I am sure people drive cars there, but in all honesty, I never paid any attention till now.  And how do I get my dogs back and forth to Mounds State Park when mud and wet fur are as compatible to a car as winning is to the Cleveland Browns?  It is a conundrum.

But I suppose this condition will not be terminal for me.  Life changing, yes, but certainly not terminal.  And in time I believe I will find myself struggling less and less.  After all, I am now a grandpa……..and just 6 short months from qualifying for a Buick.  I sure hope they make a truck!

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