Knee-d I say more?????

Well my intention was to spend much of this week catching up on things I have neglected through Lent, and one of those things was to finish our bathroom downstairs.  It is now just a little after 9 on Monday night and I accomplished A LOT…..unfortunately, one of those things has been to injure my knee.  It is as big as a baseball right now, and that is after going down!  My hope is some sleep will get it back to the right size and a new start tomorrow.

The good news is that I may be ready to paint tomorrow, that is if I am given the colors.  Sure, I am trusted with everything else other than how it will be finished.  My hope is to get that far so I can trim it out and have the plumbers back out at the end of the week.

But for now, me and my icky knee are off to bed.  I will confess that it is my “good” knee, as the other one was rebuilt in 1995.  The picture shows my rebuilt one a few years back!!  But I will still call it good, especially as I intend for it to cooperate tomorrow!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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