An amazing sense of awe………..

Well I had so many positive comments on the return of this blog, that in my amazing awesomeness, I forgot completely to post yeste
rday.  I cannot say that I am surprised, however I can say that we should all be happy I am not anyone’s neurosurgeon!  As many of you know, I have a few memory problems, and they show up from time to time.  If you are a new reader, then welcome aboard….I am this stupid much of the time.

Anyway, posting a picture of my grandson Issac was a great way to start this blog up again.  Today Issac is one week old, and to my joy and amazement, he has already pooped all over his dad.  I always thought that I would be the messenger of such payback, but it is obvious that the little guy works for me.  And to his credit, he had his dad laughing and talking about it like it was a monumental event, sort of similar to graduating from the Naval Academy.  I thought it was, but of course I am just a week into the grandparent business.

On a related note, I thought I would post tonight’s picture of Issac, along with his “Uncle Ben” (maker of some delicious rice), his smoking hot grandma Amanda, and me, his grandfather (the large black blob who looks uncomfortable and photoshopped into the picture).

It was not until I looked at this picture to include it in the post that I noticed “Uncle Ben,” who is here assigned to “holding” his nephew, making two “thumbs up” signs meaning he is likely to lose his pending football scholarship to the famous Earl Schieb St. Louis Paint and Body and Therapeutic Massage University.  Obviously if you exhibit such carelessness with a baby, you probably will only be a little better with a football, even if your mom is in the backfield.  But here, no harm, no foul.  Ben actually loves the little guy.

Of course now Ben thinks it is a good time for us to adopt a little sister “for him,” with the promises of interaction, good behavior, and a blessed experience for all.  Of course I weigh this up against his cat and dog which he promised to “take care of” many years ago, meaning they both would starve if I did not feed them.  We have all agreed that Ben does not have a future in babysitting.

But regardless, Amanda and I are grandparents, and for those who have not ever seen her, yes this is an actual picture of my wife just a week ago. Yes she is beautiful, and as both a priest and therapist, let me admit that looking at the both of us, she may have some what we in the business call :issues.”  But let’s stay out of my business if you will and let me worry about why she married a guy like me.  It may take a while to figure out.

The big news however is that I have remembered to post, and that here it is.  In baseball that would be batting .666.  In theology, that would be something I might want to change.  Regardless, I am working on remembering.  And I will be asking whats her face to remind me tomorrow, if she ever comes to bed.

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