It’s been a “swell” day…….

Well I would like to say that my knee is better, but that would be a bit of a fabrication.  I did buy a brace, as I could not find the 150 others that I am sure my two older kids have commandeered for their injuries over the course of their sport’s careers.  But this one will do, and if I am able to find a stationary bike over the next day or two, perhaps I can get back to the land of the, at least, limping like 50…..

The good news is that it is not any worse.  As I stopped at the “Play It Again Sports,” the helpful young clerk (female) asked me, “Don’t you think you ought to go to the doctor?”  I of course shared my philosophy that he would indeed just find something wrong with you (they all do), so I wanted to just get a stationary bike instead.  After all, if I need surgery or not, they put you on one of them anyway.  It’s a standard part of therapy (physical).  So I intend to give it a shot myself.

So……so far so good…..both legs still appear to be attached!  But keep me in your prayers!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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