Batman at the airport……..

I went to pick my wife up at the airport from her surprise trip to my mother-in-law’s retirement celebration (yes she flew there yesterday and home today) and although I THOUGHT I was taking Ben with me, it turns out that I took BATMAN.

Yes, just out of our driveway I looked into the backseat and saw the Dark Knight riding in my very car in a booster seat.  The Dark Knight never smiles and is the most serious of all the superheroes that live at our house (and there are many).  And he not only went to the airport, but he went INTO the airport as well.

It was amazing at how many people recognized him too.  I suppose most don’t get to see Batman everyday like I do, so there was a lot of excitement there.  People shouted “Hey Batman” and “look, it’s Batman,” but Batman just took it in stride.

I just hope there were no bad guys there, because when he saw my wife he yelled, “Mommy,” and even posed for this picture with her.  Bad guys just might get the impression he is my son, and his secret identity could be compromised.  Fortunately, when Batman is around, most bad guys take off.

So the good news is that all is well and even Batman has something to smile about…….but not in his mask of course.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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