Big plans gone awry……

I must not be living right.  I spent the majority of this past week finishing the things I NEEDED to finish in the basement so we could reclaim the bottom third of our home. So the past two weeks have been insane with Holy Week, Easter, travel, construction, and all the other stuff I needed to do.  Never mind that Amanda was out of town on Friday and Saturday.  All was well as I began to look into this next week.

Of sure, she will be at a pretty important conference for her work this week, but it is in Indianapolis, so that makes it almost just like she is at her regular job…..or at least that is what I THOUGHT.  You see, this morning she asked me what time we would be back from Nashville were I was serving today, and I told her.  Not a big deal, nor a surprise, as we often have stuff to do when we all arrive home.  But when I asked why, because I wanted to know what kind of projects might be in my future, she mentioned the “conference,” and I immediately got worried.

And soon my fears were confirmed, my best laid plans had gone awry…..yes indeed, the conference is in Indianapolis, but as it is a special conference of certain company wide leaders, they schedule it all day, and yes, that means into the evening as well.  This means that even the locals are required to stay at the conference as well.

Yes, my vision of what this week would look like needs to be taken back to the drawing board.  No worries though, I am an expert at screwing up my life without supervision anyway…..

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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