Irony all around……..

My wife is staying at a hotel for work that I actually remember pretty well.  I was there many years ago for a lunch meeting on pensions and I remember asking the waitress what the salad dressing was, which she said was ranch… wasn’t.  It was Caesar, and Caesar is made with anchovies, and anchovies are seafood, and I am allergic.  And I remember the wife of a good friend of mine jokingly say as my throat was tightening up, “how ironic to die at a pension fund lunch.”

Fortunately for me I had just a small bite, mostly because I could tell immediately when it touched my tongue.  I was miserable and scared, so I did the responsible thing……I DROVE MYSELF all the way up to my doctor’s office in Noblesville where I got steriods, a lecture, and a RX for epi-pens which I now carry.  It was a long drive and a scary day, and one that if the circumstances were the same, would probably do again because I just am all about denial, but honestly that was stupid of me to do.  But I always will remember her line, because all in all, it was pretty funny. (and it was never intended to be serious either.)

But tonight Ben and I stopped by to see my dad, and as we were leaving I was admiring his new car.  It is a little foriegn thingy that I do not know how to spell, but it does begin with an “H.”  And he was complaining that although he loves it, it didn’t come with a spare tire.  He has ordered one, but it still has not arrived.

I however, in my great wisdom, shared that it probably didn’t matter as I tires are different these days and I probably hadn’t changed one in about 20 years.  We soon parted ways and he went back into his house and I backed out his driveway.

The bad part is that it was dark, and I was driving Amanda’s car (since she doesn’t need it) and my glasses were in MY car.  So when I hit the driveway’s side curb that didn’t surprise me much. (everyone does it there)  But what DID surprise me there was the FLAT TIRE I had by the end of the drive.  The irony was incredible.

And of course changing that stupid thing in the dark with my dad playing with Ben and all of us laughing made it quite tolerable.  The tire is destroyed with a big cut on the side.  My knee is no very bad as this whole thing was probably one of the worse things to do with it.  The spare was one of those goofy ones that meant we had to go home on the slow roads.  And now my already packed day tomorrow will include finding and buying a new tire.  Happy happy joy joy!

But I am certain that will all be resolved tomorrow and I will not need to be worried about any of the other tires……after all, tires are different these days, and I haven’t had to change one for about an hour and a half!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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