
Yep, I finally found a stationary bike!  It took me a few days, but I was successful!  The sad part is that although I was able to get it together, I was unable to get onto it, because Batman had to work out.  Batman cannot reach the pedals mind you, but since the handlebars move back and forth, he felt it was a good workout!

The good news is that beginning tomorrow, I can begin to rehab my knee.  It seems a lot better already to me, but a big part of that is just delusion.  I do believe something is wrong, but regardless, I also know I can strengthen it and get a bit more out of it before giving into the doc!

And the bike I got is certainly not the Cadillac of bikes… is more like the Ford Pinto of them.  I however do not need anything with 70,000 programs.  I just need one that keeps me mobile.  AND, this will certainly do.

But when I say that, I mean certainly do as long as I can ride it.  Life with a 4 year old is invaded in every bit of it.  But he has school tomorrow and I do not!  So after a few meetings, perhaps I can do a little rehab and get things moving along!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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