Delayed, but not forgotten….

Oh sure, I did TRY to post my blog on the 18th, but sadly my Internet was down.  Of course, I could have waited it out, but as I have found, most of the time my waiting on things like this is never successful.  So I set it aside, and I am posting this for the 18th instead.

The picture is of my rehab bike, but obviously that is not ME on it.  Ben seems very taken with it, and it is really quite comical to watch.  Ben can either use the handlebars or the pedals, but not both at the same time.  So to get his best workout, we switches between the two.  What he doesn’t do is to like me to be on it… seems to be his.

Really though, it is typical of a 4 year old in terms of their understanding of the concept of “sharing.”  At 4, what is yours is theirs, and what is theirs is theirs as well.

Oh well, at least I have this post up….and to me, that is progress for sure!

God Bless!


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