Making it to the finish…….

Yep, that’s Ben in my bed.  He has been having a “melt down” (his words, not mine) since his mom has been away at a conference.  Of course this conference has been at a hotel in Indianapolis, allowing Ben to see her a few nights for dinner, which has made it seemingly harder for him.  He is clearly a “mommy’s boy” (my words not his) and tomorrow he thankfully will be happy again….and so will she.

As for me, I will be happy too.  These past few weeks have been exhausting, and it will be a blessing to get things back to normal.  So Friday will be a reunion of sorts for them both and I may be happier than anyone.  The melt downs will be gone and the future will look bright, or at least that’s the plan.

So tonight we have headed down to Indianapolis to spend the night at the hotel with her.  Since we have her car, being here is probably a good idea as well.   Plus being here has earned me some “dad” and “husband” points, even though neither of them even seem to know I am here.

Yep, paradise!  I am happy, and I am feeling like a genius today!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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