The big weekend……

Yep, Amanda, Ben, and I are in Missouri for Steph’s final home game of the season which they won tonight 17-10.  Steph played a great game, and it is so wonderful to get to watch her play.  It was one of the primary reasons I retired from coaching high school last year.  I was just not available to see her play her last few years of lacrosse.

Scott of course has that whole “job thing” going on, so he and the dog and the cat (the last two are not working) are at home doing the weekend there.  I really wish he (Scott) could have come along, but at 18, he is pretty busy.  I am sure however it would have made him miss lacrosse…..a sport we have all been involved in, and love.

But for now I will just enjoy that for which we am here.  It will be my last trip out here this school year, and I hope to get to see all those great seniors that will be graduating next month.  Steph has some really great friends and it is just such a great time to be able to see her and them, and spend this kind of quality time with them!

I intend to enjoy every bit of it too!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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