Shrove Tuesday Shenanigans………

Well tonight for Shrove Tuesday, Ben’s Pizza Kitchen was open yet again, and he worked hard to make his mom a couple (as he only eats one kind) of pizzas and some calzones.  I just handle the hot stuff and he does the rest, including how much of what to put in.  It was spectacular!

He however, wanted to make his mom dessert tonight so we decided to bake a cake.  To my knowledge he had not ever done that before, at least alone, so I measured out all the stuff, he mixed it together, and wala…..Shrove Tuesday Chocolate on Chocolate Cake.  And, as you can see from the picture next to this, he “marked it with a B,” and he put it in the oven for mommy and BEN, as I am not the object of his affections for such things.  He frosted and then frosted the big B as well.  It looked pretty spectacular.

Of course six year olds have their limitations, which usually mean that their parents set some sort of boundaries.  No normal six year old would do so for his or herself.  So we all ate pizza and it was good, and we all also enjoyed a piece of his delicious chocolate cake.  He liked baking it, and he liked decorating it, but he didn’t want to eat the B, nor did he seem dissatisfied about being limited to one piece.

But I had to run to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription and when I left the cake was out on the counter, and, it was perfectly in tact.  At 10 years old our dog Viper tends to not swipe stuff anymore, especially when someone is home, so I didn’t worry about him.  And our cat is not even interested in tuna or catnip let alone cake.  This all reinforced my belief that the cake would be safe for the 30 minutes or so I would be gone.  But on my arrival back home, the second picture is what I discovered. And it has the definite MO of someone who is six.

Certainly it could have been his mom who was just trying to frame him, but she is too OCD to eat all that frosting without some sort of discernible pattern.  The dog and cat are also not suspects as there would have been nose prints or paw prints as well as a tumbled pan if they were.  This all clearly indicates that the chef was downstairs without supervision, quite possibly with a professional frosting gauge, as you can see from the picture this cake has been mined.

But I am giving him a pass as it is Shrove Tuesday.  He normally eats a ton of pancakes, so a little frosting addiction seems quite innocuous.  After all, we also call it Fat Tuesday, and he did make us dinner to boot.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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