My 4th Birthday…..the Anniversary of my stroke!!

What I am going to share I really do see as a GOOD THING, but I attempted to make my wife feel guilty on the 20th.  You see, I thought that she MISSED the anniversary of my stroke, and since she and the kids have ALWAYS made a big thing about it, I can say that I was a bit hurt and even offended by the LACK of acknowledgement.  Having a stroke is a BIG THING, and it kind of hurt that they forgot.

So I tried to bring it up to my wife in a STEALTH manner.  I shared with her how April 18th came and went and that she and the kids didn’t even acknowledge it at all.  And of course I brought this up on APRIL 20th, as I had apparently forgotten myself!

But my wife in her usual DIRECT WAY, apologized and then shared that she thought about it on THE VERY DAY…….APRIL 14th.  She was in Kansas and felt terrible, but since I didn’t say anything, she thought I might of forgotten……which I apparently DID…since my stroke was on April 14th!!!

Oh yes, I was called out, and rightly so……I was trying to get some mileage out of something I had already blown…..I just wish I knew I had already blown it.  The bad part was that I got caught….the good part was that I really did forget, which I consider not a good thing, but a GREAT THING.

Yes, on April 18th, 2008 I had a stroke, and though it affected me, it does not define me.  Am I the man that I was, heck no, but in all honesty I believe I am a better man.  I am just thankful for my family who has stood by me, and EVEN for my wife who is OCCASIONALLY smarter than I am and can call me out.

But regardless of whether or not I remember the date, I thank God that He made me taller, smarter, ad better looking.  After all, if you have had a stroke, what is the point of remaining connected to the bad parts of reality.

My wife is one lucky woman!  Scary, isn’t it..???  THAT PICTURE IS OF ME!!!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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