Okay, as for my big announcement/surprise, it will happen, but now I cannot tell you until sometime NEXT WEEK…..other than to say it has a lot to do with CORN.  So I apologize for that, but it is clearly not my decision to make.  I will however tell you as soon as I can.

As for yesterday’s post, my wife said I needed to go onto it and correct it, for after I shared her interaction with me about my stroke anniversary, she said I went back and closed my post by going back to the wrong date!  Indeed she was right, but I have decided to not correct it.  I am instead posting this “correction” just like you would see in a newspaper (an archaic method of communicating news that was popular when I was a kid)  so……”the reference to Tom’s stroke being on April 18, 2008 in yesterday’s blog post was in error.  The correct day should be April 14, 2008.  We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.”  There, buried in the middle of the blog.

But why would I not go back and change it?  Well, quite simply because correcting things as a habit that I cannot remember or do incorrectly can be very damaging to a stroke survivor.  You see, this happens all the time, and if I went back to everything, or I got all upset about everything, it would probably cause me to spiral.  As I say, “it is what it is,” and I am just not going to worry about it.  If I did, it would be a quick trip to the loony farm.  I choose instead to laugh it off.

And of course if you knew about my week you would see that I am laughing quite a few things off currently.   But thank God I will not be forgetting anything else.

Yep, the one thing I have never lost is my ability to laugh.  I thank God for that, on this day, on April 14th, and even on April 18th…..the anniversary of my stroke. (Sorry honey, I just could not resist.)

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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