Well I apparently now CAN TELL you my big news, but I am going to do so tonight.  There are two reasons for this too…..one is that I need to make sure a few certain people are notified about it first, rather than reading it on the blog…..and two, I want to share that my daughter Stephanie and the Lindenwood Lions finished their lacrosse season tonight as CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS!!

There is good news and sad news however in this impressive feat.  The good news is that their team is the very first NCAA Division II Conference Champion in the school’s history.  The bad news is that as this is their first year in Division II they are ineligible for the National Tournament to play for the title.  They will also be ineligible next year, which means Steph will be a senior when they are first eligible.  It will be a great way however to finish out.  And I am SURE they are celebrating their 15-2 season tonight out in Colorado!  And if you go to www.LindenwoodLions.com you will see the team and the story on the front page.  It is pretty exciting.

So for now this is all I will be saying, but I say it with great pride!  Way to go Lions, and way to go Steph!  And it could not come on a better day for me, as today would have been my grandma’s 96th birthday!  I am sure she is smiling down on the Lions as well!!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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