The Visit to my Orthopedic Surgeon….

Well I saw my doc this morning just after 10 to have him look at my knee.  And I am happy to say I was right…..I could have gone on for a long time.  I do NOT need surgery, and I do not even need crutches!  I just had my knee drained and a shot of cortisone, which should do the trick within the next few weeks.

I however was quite put off by not hearing from Amanda till late in the day. So when she finally asked me about my knee I reminded her I had tried to reach her all day, but there was some good news and some bad news.  A look of concern came over her face when I shared the bad news……I was to have a complete knee replacement roughly 10 days from now.  So she asked, “Well what could be the good news then?”  And I said, “I am lying.”

Now before you think, “wow, what a dirty trick,” please remember that she knew completely what she was getting into when she married me….PLUS, all Tirman males are just as hilarious (yep, it’s a gift) and she met them all.  And Ben is heading down the road to be the worst of the jokers… is going to be a long road for her.

But the real good news is the big thing of the day….that’s right, she married me and she is trapped!!  But things could be worse for her……I could be getting a new knee on May 10th!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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