The Field Trip…….

Yep, I was able to go on Ben’s FIRST Field Trip today, as I was available AND I had taken the abuse prevention training as required by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lafayette.  And it was a total blast (not the abuse training, but the trip), and I was glad to be able to go along.

We went to Mound State Park where we went on a couple of hikes as well as spent some time in the Nature Center.  We saw all sorts of things and learned all sorts of things, but more than anything, I got to be on the trip with Ben.  It was really special to me, and it was something I did with Steph and Scott too.

I did ask Ben what his favorite part of the trip was, and he replied, “playing.”  That’s right, a big field trip to a park with snakes, and turtles and bugs, and wildlife and his favorite part was the running around on the playground.

That’s my boy!  And I can tell too…..remember I went on all those trips with his brother and sister as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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