Close, but no bananas……..

We have a consultant in town……the Reverend Canon Ron McCray.  Ron is a great guy and a good friend, and he came a day early as we (the members of the OSM here in Indiana) just happen to enjoy gathering together for a little shooting on the range.

So that’s what we did today.  We gathered together in Nashville and shot at some targets.  It was pretty fun, and no one was harmed in the destruction of targets in Nashville.  But it is always a great bonding time.  Ron had blast too (puns are not lost on me) and we ended the day with lunch at “The Holy Cow,” which seems to have nothing to do with religion OR bovines, but it does have good food.

And Ron came up a day early to do just this…….go on our adventure day together.  We were glad he came.  We are a serious bunch with a serious ministry.  It is just nice to be able to unwind sometimes and do something fun…..particularly with good friends.

Sorry about the picture.  We DID take some, but they are on Father Robert’s phone……I will try to get them tomorrow.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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