Pizza King!

Although these last few days are beginning to catch up to me, I intend to make it to the finish line, which should be sometime tomorrow afternoon.  Two more priests, who are also good friends, showed up for the meeting that we held today and will conclude tomorrow.  And in an attempt to show them a bit of Indiana culture, I did not play basketball with them but did make sure that their dinner was some good ol Indiana Pizza King.

It has been a really good time, and it has been a very fruitful time as well.  But I can say that I am clearly not made to sit and not move around that long.  That kind of thing I find pretty challenging.  I always think of what I once heard about sharks and how they need to always keep moving.  Sometimes I feel just like that, and if I sit for too long it kind of messes me up.

But I hope to have plenty of “get up and go” tomorrow.  It too will be a long day, but the end is already in sight.  And I intend to make it……….if only I had the energy of Ben!!

Goodnight (yawn) my friends and God Bless!


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