Zoom zoom……

If I just had a dollar for everyone who said how energetic and peppy I looked today I would have no money at all.  In fact, I looked pretty whooped all day, and in truth I was.  I really didn’t have an excuse for it, but coffee, soda, anything….none of it was keeping me awake.

But some days you have it and others you don’t, and despite not having it today, I do know my tomorrow will be excellent.  My brother Mike will graduate from Butler tomorrow, and my daughter should be home for the summer.  In addition to that, my Uncles Al and Mickey, as well as my Aunt Judy will be in town for the big event.  I will write more about it tomorrow, as it has yet to happen, and although we are all expecting it to go well I have to remember that Mike is a Tirman, and something can always go wrong.

I did however take Ben to the Walmart today and got him a batting tee.  I forgot to take some pictures but he hit pretty well and it appears he will bat “right-handed.”  I am using this picture from a few weeks ago in Missouri so you can see what he is hoping for for his birthday.

I also bought a set of Bocce Balls, which I was so very pleased to show my wife, as I thought it would be something we could all do together.  She of course replied, “we just had this conversation when you bought the other set of Bocce Balls a few weeks ago.”  Oh well, perhaps we will start a league.

But with that, I will call it a day.  Amanda is already asleep, Scott is out, and Ben is in here on my bed acting like I might not be noticing him.  Of course his feet jammed under me to keep them warm is hardly stealth.  Then again, this is just Ben and not some sort of Marine sniper.  I will just deal with it.

So here’s to an early morning tomorrow and a day of celebration and “awake-ness.”  At least that’s the plan.  I am looking forward to it too.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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