Congratulations Mike!! (and Anna)…..

Today my brother graduated from college.  Yep Butler, in my mind one of the finest universities in the country.  And although the graduation was this morning, tonight our family gathered together to celebrate for a dinner together.

It was for more than just Mike though.  Mike’s girlfriend Anna also graduated this morning and the picture is of them both together at the dinner.  It was a great time, and in addition to a wonderful dinner with wonderful people, it was pretty cool to see how happy they both were.  She is looking for a job as a teacher, and Mike will head to law school.  It was just an evening full of lots of joy!

And my Uncle Mickey and Aunt Judy, and my Uncle Al all came to attend the graduation festivities.  It was great to see them as well, and it reminded me of what an anomaly my brother is.  Mike was never thrown out, or dropped out of college.  Nor did he spend time on academic probation….he got great grades.  The norm for Tirman males has been just that though.  I wonder if my brother has finally broken the curse…..let’s hope so.

But instead of pondering what so many of us have thought was impossible, or asking my dad to check his DNA, I raise my glass to my brother Mike and his girlfriend Anna.  Congratulations to the both of you and thanks for the great day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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