Happy Mother’s Day…..

Although this is the first Mother’s Day without my mom and my grandmother, I was able to spend a good portion of the day with Amanda and the kids.  We got her a gift, went to the movies (The Avengers) and went to dinner as well.  It was a great time and we all enjoyed the day.

It was however, very different.  As long as I can remember, a portion of my day has been carved out to either visit or call (or both) my mom and grandma.  It feels uneasy to me to not hear their voices today, and that is despite my mom not being really with it these last few years.  I am sure they would both tell me  that it is what it is, and to focus upon the mom I live with here and the kids.  And I am sure of that because that is what I would probably say to them after I am gone.

But today I celebrate them both, and I celebrate my wife (hoping that she has had a good day.)  I admit that it makes me nervous that here at 11:15pm she is up packing.

She says it is a business trip tomorrow, but I am just gonna make sure by reviewing the day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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