A weirdness beyond compare…..

Tonight’s picture is our attempt as Brothers of the Order of St. Michael the Archangel to support our brothers and sisters in Greenwood, Indiana as they not only take part in “Senior Skip Day,” but also did so in TOGAS at the Bob Evans in Greenwood where we were meeting this morning.

You might think that this was the ONLY group of people in togas at the Bob Evans, but we ran into another group coming in as we were leaving.  We did not take a picture with them, but they were just as colorful and every bit as enthused.  My hope and prayer was that they had a GREAT DAY, as their willingness to pose with us made ours.

In addition to this, as I picked Ben up from school today I informed him that we might go over to Mounds State Park and buy a state park pass for the year.  I also mentioned that if we had time, we might take a short hike together, but we would need to avoid the bears. (There are no bears in Indiana outside of zoos).  So Ben replied how today might be a good time to give the bears a “day off” so he and I could hike in the woods…..as if hunting us would be their job.  So I told him it was a “good idea” and that we might just go….although we did not.

But now we are home, and Amanda is on a trip, and Ben has managed to entertain Steph and I all night.  No, he is not wearing a toga, but then again he is not a senior.

I just thank God for days like this though, because I could not make them up even in my most creative state.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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