Dog days…….

For the least few days Viper and I have been able to get a pretty vigorous walk together.  We have been doing this at Mound State Park, which is just a few miles from our home.  Viper likes it because it is a walk. I like it because it is exercise.  And both of us benefit from the time spent together, albeit for different reasons.

You see Viper, like most dogs, likes the attention.  He is a retired show dog (we showed him in AKC until he was almost 5) and he is a good-looking and friendly dog.  People see him on the trail and want to talk to him, and they do.  He gets some pats, he takes his compliments, and we are on our way.  We do stop at a few streams for him to drink, and he really could not be happier.

I, on the other hand, get complimented by no one.  We are hiking on the trails up and down the hills at a good pace and I am probably a bit more sweaty than attractive.  Plus I suppose it is kind of creepy to have someone say that I am a “handsome boy” when we are just out walking.  In all honesty, I suppose I am glad they don’t.  But I do it to burn calories and kick up my metabolism.  So it is a win-win for both Viper and me.

And since it is a fairly quick walk (under an hour) we can probably do it most days.  Tomorrow is already scheduled……the poor boy is going to get a big head with all that attention.

(And the picture is from the CAR on the way there, as we tried to take a picture together at the park but when I put my arm around him and tried to put the camera up in front of our faces I think he thought I was head locking him to give him medicine…. oh well, this one will have to do!)

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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