On (my) Child Labor…….

All I can say is that I am thankful that congress did not outlaw children working on family farms, because if they did, who would have moved the 4 yards of dirt we had delivered this afternoon?  Amanda is planting her garden tomorrow and wanted the extra top soil, and we have quite a few places in our yard that need it as well.  We also had 8 yards of mulch delivered too.  Ben is going to be a busy boy.

Actually, he just mostly got in the way.  First he tried to climb the dirt pile in his school clothes and new shoes, which is just like touching that “red button” in all the old science fiction movies…..not good.  But after a quick change and promises of good behavior, I allowed him to go up and have at it.  He even brought out a pail, a small shovel, and a front end loader (a toy).  He had a blast.

Of course tomorrow is the big work day on all of it, as well as Sunday.  Steph and Amanda will be workers tomorrow, while Scott is not available until Sunday.  But Scott is going to ask a couple of his buddies who are going into the Corps too if they want to join him.  It is a pretty strenuous workout.

But anyway, after an afternoon and evening of shoveling and hauling dirt, as well as tilling an 18’x27′ garden, I am pretty well done.  I will be with Father Robert in the morning at a class we are offering and that seems to be feeling earlier than it probably is.  Advil, take me away!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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