Puss in Boots…..

Yes, Ben got the movie “Puss in Boots” tonight and I didn’t even know about it as I was working.  It peeved me in a way, as I want to watch it and watch it with him.  Tonight’s picture is of him watching it by himself in his bed.

And this is a big thing, as I am not really a movie buff by any means.  In fact, I hardly watch any movies at all unless I am dragged to them.  Sadly, this is a problem of mine that is pretty obvious to me.  And this is because when I SEE movies, I generally enjoy them.  I saw “Moneyball” two weeks ago with a clergy group, and I saw “The Avengers” with my family on Mother’s Day.  I thought they were both good.  But somehow I just choose to not take the time to go see them.

I did see that “The Three Stooges” was playing when we went to see “The Avengers” and I am a BIG FAN.  So we will see…..

But for tonight I will just have to resign myself to the fact that I will be seeing neither.

Of course there is always tomorrow……

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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