He needs supervision……

We spent a good part of the day working on moving all the dirt and mulch we had delivered into the right spots.  We didn’t do this last year, so we had no idea of how much we needed, but our former home used about 5 yards of mulch so we ordered 8……it was nowhere near enough.

But Ben spent much of the day in a kiddie pool shooting all of us (and all the cars, as well as the dog) with a water gun as we went by him to get loads of mulch to put in the yard.  And although I could do that all day, apparently he tired of it and wanted to change into dry clothes.  Scott was the closest, and volunteered to help him.

Ben however, now that he had claimed stake to the “Ruler” of the yard, gave Scott a hard time about what he wanted to wear.  So….Scott told him to pick it out himself, which as you can see from this lovely picture that Steph took, Ben did.  The lack of a fashion gene is apparent in him, and we will save this photo for a slide show at his wedding rehearsal dinner someday (as long as we have his bride to be sign an agreement that she will not leave if she sees this).

But really, this is one of the reasons I became a priest.  I open my closet and have black shoes, black socks, black pants and black shirts, which I rarely screw up.  And I have gotten so good at it now that Amanda will sometimes actually leave before I do because she trusts (although not fully) that I can get that right.

But for now, we clearly cannot trust Ben in this.  Even two weeks ago when he was to dress as a famous person for school he went as Ironman.

He’s apparently pretty confident, albeit delusional.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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