About the creatures I live with…….

I am without a car for two days and I have to confess that it is pretty weird.  This morning I had to ask my daughter for a ride, which she was happy to provide, but did mention about 756 times how “tired she was.”  I tend to forget that college students are nocturnal, and perhaps the need to drop my car off so early was a bit too much for such a creature.

Scott of course is not nearly as nocturnal, as he works everyday beginning as early as 5:30 am most days. But he too comes with his own quirks.  He is heading off to the Marines this year, no later now that December 10, and trains incessantly for his time in boot camp.  He runs, he lifts, and he diets.  He is never without a USMC shirt of some kind, and wears them proudly.  But apparently what is too much for THIS creature is developing the ability to pick up the towels he uses in the bathroom that he and Ben share.  I am pretty sure it is too soft for him.  I have heard the USMC uses sandpaper rather than soft bath towels….after all it is the Marines.

And there then is the wunderkind, Ben.  I read yesterday that the average 4 year old asks about 437 questions a day, and all that I can say about that is that I am happy he will be turning 5 in June.  He well exceeds that!  He is convinced that the world is his, and he expects all of us to believe it too.  He just has no concepts of seniority or height and weight advantage.  And his habit of never finishing his dinner always bothered me until I realized he was using it as a way to save food and bribe the dog onto his side.  He is a 4 year old genius.

All of them however live with me, and it is a total blessing for sure.  I love them all and I know they love me….and I just hope they love me enough to give me a ride for one more day.  I will not be getting my car back until late tomorrow afternoon!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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