Bats in the bellfr…..I mean garden…….

I suppose in German we might call it fledermåusegarten, or “garden of bats,” although as far as I could see there was just the one…..the little deranged one wearing a cape and rain boots.  

That’s right, tonight Amanda finally got her garden in, and she was protected by the Dark Knight himself. I suppose you cannot as for more than that, and I cannot argue with her as the garden went in pretty smoothly.  We already have a fake owl with a spinning head that seems creepy enough to scare off intruders.  But it is far more responsible to have the Caped Crusader guarding you lest the fake owl fails in his duty.

In all honesty. I really do not care about how he protected things, I am just glad her garden is in.  She LOVES to do this and every day we will get reports on what she sees.  Soon we will be reaping its benefits as well.  She does a great job of it and it really brightens her spirit.  It is a blessing to us all.

But for now, I am going to say goodnight to Batman and remind him that school starts bright and early.  He will fight no crime there, but he will learn the skills he will need to protect our gardens for many years to come.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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