Fight the power…….

Life is sure filled with its ups and downs, yet I don’t find it nearly as difficult as some people make it to be.  I suppose as the world sees more and more gray, I still just see a lot of black and white.  I am reminded of the one of the great misquotes of all time, first (mis)taken from Commodore Perry concerning the Battle of 1812, “We have seen the enemy and the enemy is us.”  Perry used “ours.”

But as I look around life, I am befuddled to see how it is often mired in dysfunction.  Despite being technologically advanced, we have become imprisoned to our constant contact to each other.  Unless you live in a very isolated place, you cannot drive a mile without seeing someone talking while driving on their phone, and if you drive but another mile you will find another texting.  Of course you may say, “Tom, isn’t this far better than a newspaper and dog on a lap in t
he car?”  To which I answer, “You are just not getting this, are you?”  Then again, the irony of this all is I a posting this on an electronic blog which you may be reading while you drive anyway.

But in truth, we have become “too big for our britches,” as my grandma used to say.  We are too well connected, yet not connected at all, listening to each other, yet not there for each other.  Even in the Church, we are eager to issue communiques and important points of theology and development, but aren’t willing to walk with each other.  It is a disappointment and a road a further mess, and I cannot believe that it is pleasing to God, but many of us may disagree since they probably know him well as they follow Him on Twitter.

But although I am offering no solution, I will say the first step is identifying the problem, and to me it is clear.  How to deal with it, I do not know.  I like being connected, I really do, but in truth it is really superficial in many ways.  It is better than nothing, but as for me, I want to do better.  And this is my first step of fighting it in my own life…..thanks for being a part, now watch those pedestrians!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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