The plan……….

(This is just an old picture of my dad and I at a dinner together….I could not find a picture for tonight’s blog, but I thought both he and I would appreciate a picture that we looked a little younger in.  I think he is about 95 in the picture and I have to be about 27 and weight just 150 pounds…..I could be wrong though.)

But as for what want to say……all of the sudden there just seems as if there are not enough hours in the day to get done all the things I need to get done.  I am currently backed up more than the traffic in Chicago, and it is not due to any adverse conditions……I am just behind.

And for those of you expecting emails and calls, I intend to try and catch up on all of those TOMORROW.  Of course I will also head to the dentist…..a NEW one since we have moved and it will be different as I have been with my old dentist for close to 15 years. It just doesn’t make sense to drive 20 miles to and 20 miles home to get a check up.  Don’t get me wrong I LOVE my old dentist, it is just not good stewardship of my time or resources as my new dentist is within walking distance of my house.

But around all this intended good dental hygiene, I intend to be productive.  I really DO want to catch up. If I were just thinner, younger, more energetic, and there were three of me, I might just get it done.

Oh well, I will get up early and do the best I can.  I really do think I am going to have a stellar day tomorrow!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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