Something to smile about…..

Today was a monumental day for me, as I went today to a NEW dentist.  My former dentist, who I have been seeing for just shy of 15 years, is 15 miles away, and I wanted to find someone in the community we now live in….since we have been here for a year and a half.  What is hard is that I really like Dr. Green (my former dentist), but with 5 of us, it seemed a lot to drive 30 miles each time, when there was likely a good dentist here.

But I had another reason as well.  If I was going to move here, I told Amanda that it would be the last move I would make in this life short of the funeral home or a facility if I need one.  But as a former ice hockey player, and therefore an experienced dental patient, I also wanted to make sure that this dentist would be young enough to see me through all my dental needs until the end or until I lose all my teeth! (not an issue…I am keeping all the ones I have!)

And I actually found one!  It is a dentist that went into practice with her father, and who is my wife’s age (approximately 18)….. It is the very first female dentist I have ever had, and I have to confess, she is stuck with me.  The kids and Amanda will now schedule with her too, and I am just happy today is over.  I really wanted to be happy with this, and I am.  I never have a bad check up, and since I have given up hockey, my visits there have never involved pain!!  So she can watch me grow old (older) over the next 50 years, and I can walk to her office after they take away my license.  It is the best of all worlds!

So it’s just another thing off my list, and one I am quite thankful for.  I love where we live and love that I can hang out here locally.  And all of it with great teeth too!

Goodnight and God Bless!


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