Sitting at the feet of the Master……

I am not quite sure why he doesn’t know his name, Lord knows he hears it all the time.  But such is the life of a four year old.  They are off in their own worlds most of the time (as he always has been – see this old picture where he was already in the Space Cadets at an early age), and everyone just keeps calling to get him back into theirs.

Of course I love it.  It is fun watching them try, yet it is about as effective as herding cats.  He just always seems up for the challenge and seems to win more than he loses.  He is a real pro I swear!

But I know my name, and they all call me too.  I am just thankful I do not hear as well as I used to.  And the reason is that your kids generally want something from you, and your wife either has a project or is complaining about something the kids need to do……and Ben is just still wandering around having fun!  It’s no wonder I envy him!

My hearing means I may miss some bad things, but I miss some good things too. Ben however is just Ben, with no apologies.  He has a heart of gold and just enjoys his life.  I could learn a lot from him.

In fact I already have.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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