The Adventure…..

Today was the Indianapolis 500 and I must confess, I had to work.  My dad however has tickets and did not want to go in the blazing heat, so Amanda, Steph, Scott, and their foreign exchange student (Yu) went to the race.  They all had a great time too.  My dad has had quite a few students stay with them a school year at a time, and Yu has been my favorite.  She seems the most like family, and really is…..but I digress.

The big deal was that apparently 4 year old children are not allowed to be home alone in Indiana.  (Yeah, if I just lived in Ohio it would all be okay)  So Ben and I set off on an adventure together.  He went with me to Nashville today and we left bright and early, although he wasn’t feeling that bright.  He attended TWO church services, and during the first one he actually sat up in one of the clergy chairs next to me.  And when I mentioned him a few times in my sermon, he RESPONDED, or more aptly defended himself.  It was all a great time, and he really did a stellar job.

I then changed into some “regular clothes” and we went off for a father son lunch.  No, we were not having the fun of people sitting in 150 degree heat with missiles flying by just feet away and eating $7 hot dogs.  We had to suffer in the air conditioned “Holy Cow” restaurant eating out lunch and playing “Angry Birds.” (actually HE was playing it)

After all this suffering, we walked around a few shops in downtown Nashville before heading to Brown County State Park to take a “hike.”  We stopped a very special spot to take a picture (it was posed) at an overlook where I proposed to his mom.  You can see from BOTH pictures why the “pose” was important.  Scott hasn’t seen it, but Steph had a good laugh.  Now I have all three of them being birds on that same table in that same meaningful place.  It was pretty cool.

We then headed to get Amanda’s birthday gift, as her birthday is tomorrow.  I bought it WITH him, yet he does not remember what it is, nor does he remember buying it.  He is a total goofball.

And to prove my point as we were almost home (it is close to a 2 hour drive each way) I asked him what his favorite part of this VERY MEANINGFUL day was.  And without hesitation it was when I bought him a Spiderman action figure at the Walmart for being so good all day.  So I said “No Ben, not the toy, what was the favorite part of our adventure together.”  And he said “The hike.”  The hike we never took because it was too hot…..unless you count getting out of the car and walking to 50 feet to the picnic table. But no, to him the hike was the drive in the state park, and I have to agree.  It was beautiful scenery, it was air conditioned, and all and all, it was worth it.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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