Happy Birthday Amanda!

Today was Amanda’s birthday, and although I spent the lion’s share of the day moving mulch in 90 degree heat, after all the kids arrived (and I had a shower) we were able to have a cookout and enjoy a birthday celebration.  She seemed pretty pleased by the day and handled it pretty well.

Yes, she used to not handle her birthday well at all.  It was like we were to wear black bands on our arms or something.  But now she seems much more comfortable with the idea of another year passed.  My general belief is that the ice cream cake always helps, but what do I know.

So the yard is mulched, the birthday is done, and I did it all without an emergency trip to see a cardiologist.  I would say that is a pretty successful day!  God Willing, I hope to have another one tomorrow!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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