Onward to Kindergarten……

They did not call it a graduation, but a ceremony, and it was a good thing too as I had not bought a gift.  But today Benjamin Scott Tirman had his end of year preschool program and received his certificate meaning that he is able to attend Kindergarten next year if we decide to head in that direction.

Of course I am leaning that way, whereas Amanda is a bit more pensive on it.  I started school after just turning 5 and was graduated at 17….just before turning 18.  It would be the same for Ben and it was for Scott too.  There is no doubt, the extra year would have been helpful for everyone, yet there is also the belief that if you are old enough, and that you can do the work, you should go.  I am 50, 51 in three weeks, and 13 more years verses 14 more….plus 4 more for college or more, makes a difference to me.  I did it, and do not regret my life.  

But I need to remember that life is more that just my wants and desires…..it is ultimately about my children providing me GRANDCHILDREN who like me better, who allow me to spoil them, and who I need to have the energy to spoil…thus I need them to arrive before 80.

So today was a good start.  Another child well on his way, and the picture is of that bowl of chocolate ice cream I bought him for a job well done!

Congratulations Ben, we love you!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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