On being even more piratey…….

He is actually pretty normal, although here in the picture (taken Sunday) he is wearing my reading glasses, and he spent the majority of the day today as a “good guy” pirate of some kind.  He did stab me around 5 or 6 pm, but I probably qualify more in the “bad guy” standard of pirates so I feel like I deserved it.

But Ben got his hook and eye patch today.  He had been “eyeing” it for quite some time, and short of actually losing a hand and an eye, which to get all that I would not put it past him, he settled for the props.   I actually got myself an eye patch too, which did not bless my wife one bit, but I figured I deserved it as they stiffed me on getting one when I had my eye surgery a few months back.  PLUS, how can you be a pirate dad, good or bad, without an eye patch?  I know my wife thinks she is smart, but she clearly doesn’t know the first thing about pirating.  She needs to stick with stuff she knows, like microbiology and how to marry a trophy husband.

So Ben is a pirate and I am a pirate dad.  Scott has not been home all day, but he is entering the Marines, and I wonder if they deal with guys like us, or do you need the Merchant Marines?  I don’t know.

All I know is that in a house that I believed couldn’t get weirder, things got even more weird today…..the weirdiest…….(I know that’s not a real word, but it is the pirate way!).

So avast ye mateys and goodnight…..and oh yes, God Bless ye too!


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