A day of wonder…..

Today was a day of many blessings, yet a day of great confusion for me.  Today my brother and friend Rick Kramer was ordained as a deacon in for the Anglican Ordinariate of St. Peter.  (He will be priested on June 23rd, but I will be in Alabama)  It was a beautiful service at the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC.

But why was it both for me?  Well one, obviously because I was blessed by this.  My earnest hope is for the church to be ONE.  Yet as I participated in the Mass and listened to what was being said, I was aware that we really are not all one.  And although I desire this, my heart and my soul tell me that like Moses, I will most likely not see this for me in my lifetime.

As much as I heard, and hear, the call to this, I became convicted to the people I serve.  I am the Superior of an Order within the Anglican Church and to that end I must set my sights and must serve.  Yet I pray for the unity of the Church in the end..

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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