Our mini reunion and my going insane……

Tonight was a great, but also a hard night.  Tonight I was able to get together and see my niece Amelia (my sister Stephanie’s daughter), and her boyfriend Ryan (whom I had never met!) as they were in Indianapolis.  We were able to meet them for dinner when they were with my dad (and Debby and Anna), so we had a great time!  I had not seen her since my mom’s funeral, which has been quite some time.  It really warmed my heart to see her.  She is a fine young woman and Ryan seemed to be a pretty great guy!  I knew he existed, but there is a big difference between theory and reality!!  It was a fun night.

But where it was hard was not being with Steph (my daughter) who was playing in Pennsylvania tonight.  They won, but the lack of being able to watch her play was pretty hard on me.  I missed it. We did listen to the majority of it on the radio, as it was not available on video, but it was really impossible to figure out what I normally could see.  Sure I was happy with the victory, but parents focus on their kids and you just cant do that on radio, especially a broadcast from a student run station.

And my dad fell yesterday and jacked up his shoulder, so although you cannot tell from the picture, his arm is in a sling.  He was “not happy” about that, and I didn’t think he should be.  But he was a good sport about it and we were all able to be there together.

Anyway, I was VERY glad we went.  I miss Amelia, and I was very thankful for the opportunity.  Her mom and I were typical siblings (I was always right and she was always wrong) but it made me wish she could have been there.

Life changes, people grow up, they may move, and we all get older.  We can long for the old days, or we can remember them fondly, as they do not stay closer the more we long.  We just need to enjoy what we have and give thanks for what we are given.   And I did, and I am….

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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